Speedy: How To Invite a User?

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How to invite a New user in Speedy :

• You need to invite a user, in order to assign him jobs.

• You can invite a user with any Chrome browser (by phone or desktop).

Required Informatin

• User name. Required
• User Email. Required
• Know the Role for the job you need to assign him to. Required

Inviting a new Speedy user:

1. Go to speedy website.
2. Go to Log in to Speedy
3. Fill the sign in information and log in (it will take you to company Dashboard).
4. From the company dashboard, click on Invite User.
5. Fill the information Required.
6. Click Invite.
7. You can check if the name and email has been added by clicking pending invites table below, and you can resend or remove the users from the same pending table.
8. The Invitee will receive, and Email as shown below:

Hi <<Invitee Name>>

You are being sent this message because of your association with mb test. If you are not associated with them please disregard this message.

You have been invited by <<CompanyName>> to sign up for a Speedy Moving account. Your account will enable you to use the Speedy Moving Inventory Portal, as well as the Speedy Mobile applications.

Click this <<Link>> to sign up.


10. After the user clicks on the link and sign up for speedy, he will see only the job he assigned to in the future.

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